Sunday, August 23, 2009

Park, Rangashankara. 3:30, August 23

Park, Rangashankara, Bangalore, 3:30, August 23

There was enough audience for a lazy Sunday afternoon. I noticed that the streets were quite deserted on my way to Rangashankara. I reached in time, and got myself a comfortable spot.

Justifying the title of the play, the props on the stage had just three benches. The first character to walk on to the stage was someone who didn’t look too comfortable with the stage. The next person looked too shabby to be on stage. I was kind of put off by the appearances of the actors and the initial set-up on stage. The third person was a known face and it was relief to some animation and curiosity being developing...

While this whole play was warming up, I noticed someone, a dainty, erudite girl sitting where I was sitting yesterday, with her hands behind her head, just like I had mine. She was seated next an elderly person, wearing Indian traditional wear. The play by now had some element of humor, background music and satire being infused...At the same time it was intriguing to see the response and effect the play had on the lady. I paid close attention to both to what was happening on stage and the response it evoked...It was quite intriguing.

So this play to the erudite girl, who resembled Arundhati Roy and for making me see beyond the presentation and appearance of the actors...

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