Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Playlist vs. Online Show

I like listening to music when I am getting dressed; while I am cooking, while I am dozing off to sleep and many other such occasions. I have tried all possible ways to listen to music – on TV, on my laptop, from an iPod and other ways. If listen to the playlist on my laptop/iPod – I know which are the songs which I am going to listen. I can at best use a shuffle and do not know which would be the next song it would play. But my play list is never exhaustive, all the songs are which I would have heard before. There is no novelty, there is no surprise…

Now suppose I am listening to an online radio, or a music channel on TV…at least I do not know which songs are they going to play. I do not know when would they take commercial break, I do not know if they are going to play the same playlist which they played last week. There is novelty, there is surprise but it comes with a cost. You could be a witness to stupidity right in the morning. The channel could play a song which you have no inclination whatsoever to listen. They could play a song which drives you nuts over and over again. They could play a song, they could be yapping to glory, they cold be taking a commercial break..they could be doing anything – in short you are at their mercy.

The same thing happens when you go to a club/disco, you need to be content with what the DJ wants to play for you.

I am still searching a means where I can listen to music I wish to and be surprised with the collection and not put off…

1 comment:

Pel said...

Play Radio UK on the Classical channel of iTunes radio and also DaTempo on Ambient channel of the same are sources I find musically pleasing and also educational. I have this ambition about music that I can't let a good song go by without finding out what it is.. so I always write down information on the songs that catch my ear, then download them, and make them my own. i therefore eliminate the element of surprise this way, until the next time i get tired of my playlist and go back to one of my online radios.