Thursday, August 13, 2009

'Daaku' - The Dacoit

Daaku, the dacoit or bandit was the hero of my life as a child. A lot of Hindi movies while I was quite young were released which were based on the lives of brave and daring ‘daakus’. They influenced me so much that when there was a fancy dress competition at my kindergarten, all that I wanted to be was dressed as a ‘daaku’. My mom and dad had all that was required to make me a Santa Claus; but you should have seen the disappointment I felt when I was dressed as the Santa Claus.
In fact for me and my brother the things which were on our list of things to buy where high heeled boots, gun with fake bullets and stuff like that. We used to wear my father’s socks on top of our trousers and make it look like high heeled boots the ones which the cowboys wear. A lot of my father’s friends tried to convince that high heeled boots are quite awkward and worn by sweepers on the streets. No matter what they told us for me and my brother ‘daaku’ was a hero. A real hero…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree my bro... 'Daaku' and do you remember the Saturdays & Sundays we dressed like one to entertain Dad & Mom :)