Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Kids are all right (2010)

The Kids are all right (2010)
Director: Lisa Cholodenko
Cast : Annette Bening, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Mia Wasikowska, Josh Hutcherson

Well, this is definitely when you would say, ‘wow what a family’. I am not going to discuss the plot, which is pretty much all known. So, let me tell you something about the characters I liked.

Mark Ruffalo as Paul the sperm donor. Absolutely carefree and so cool still…Not bound by conventions, and very very spontaneous. Awesome outfits and an awesome bike. I can use his bike, it won’t hurt one wee bit..,

Julianne Moore. Indecisive, sensitive, humorous, easy going…Julianne was so fun to watch. Esp. when she is during the escapades during the landscaping 

Mia and Josh – adorable kids, have their own ways of handling stuff, still there is a connect. And they need it.

I didn’t quite like how things turned out for Mark. He loved his kids. And he was no stranger in the family. Why couldn’t the family take him in. They were anyways an odd family, and this would have not turned the odds against them. On a more serious note, it would have been a quite a jumbled up state of affair. Who would be who in the family?

Chuck all that, and I say enjoy the movie. You’ll love it.

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