Thursday, June 18, 2009

Turtles Can Fly (2004)

War and Children. I have not seen many films which deal with these two subjects so closely.

Satellite well its quite an unique name for a boy, a boy who knows too much for his age, or forced to know more than what he could. 'Agrin' a mysterious name (I do not know what it means) for mysterious girl. Satellite and Agrin face reality in probably an opposite sense. There is enough room for the kids to be kids when it is war and their lives are on the verge of death and at the same time display traits of adults. There are light moments, for the audience to enjoy, probably to say people in war too laugh in the midst of 'fear and despair'. The danger is palpable, it is difficult to keep faith, difficult believe and in whom.

lot of inferences, lot of reality, lot of war, lot of pain, lot of mud, lot of mines, lot of love, lot of loss, lot of fear, lot of hope, lot of despair, lot of security, lot of guns, lot of shells, lot of tears, lot of height, lot of rain, lot of tanks...

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