Monday, April 12, 2010

District 9

Director – Neill Blomkamp

Academy Awards Nominations - Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Visual Effects, and Best Editing

It’s a directorial debut from Neill.

The first alien movie, I probably sat through and watched till the end. Usually I am not at all in for gory, slimy Alien creature and movies based on them. Non Human forms, with slime and extensions, antennas, were a big put off for me. Well then, I sat through the some part of Species being telecasted on TV and then District 9. I was more interested to see what did it have for which it deserved an Academy nomination for the Best Adapted Screenplay and also the Best Picture.

Since my background with what expect from an alien movie was limited, it still managed to unfound a lot of perceived notions about alien movies and also that some of the trends still continue when it comes to science fiction from the days of Metropolis…

The movie concludes in a very rather very abruptly leaving enough room for thought and speculation..

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