Directed: Billy Bob Thornton
Cast: Billy Bob Thornton
Academy Nomination/Win : Nomination : Best Actor, Win : Adapted Screenplay
I remember vaguely a Academy Award ceremony where someone tried to mimic Karl Chiders from Sling Blade. At that time neither did I know the movie, nor did I know what was the context.
Later may be 3 years back I saw Sling Blade, and then saw it again yesterday. The best part since it was post midnight, there were no commercial breaks. Uninterrupted movie on TV, is a luxury, I am sure you too would agree.
Doyle – he is portrayed as a scoundrel, and the way how he behaves, there is hardly anything you can justify what he does. But then see, what I liked was the way how the boy justifies his mom’s feelings for him. He says, she sticks to him for the good times. I believe don’t we too give credibility to lot of people in our lives for the good times.
Vaughan – he looks funny or he is made to look funny, that you can decide. But he is sensible, rational and except being too early in passing judgment early, he does his role well.
Workshop Owner – apart from other things, he displays some traits of good Christian. Like a point where hands over the keys to Karl. The other instance where he informs the customer that strange are the ways of our Lord.
I am sure there are so many poignant moments between the boy and Karl, that there is no need to share them here again. Definitely the screenplay has the punch.
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