Sunday, May 10, 2009

My space has a new address- BTM II Stage 27th Main

After staying for six years @ house #38; I moved to this new address. I have a kitchen, which is fully functional but I am not sure how to put it to use. I have a residence with more sq.ft than before, not sure how to keep it spic and span. Lots of windows, of all sizes, but no curtains yet. My windows are almost 8-9 feet high; but narrow. My room must be some 20 ft high like those from the colonial British architecture. So many things to do, so many things to explore. Not been able to completely identify myself with this new space yet. Not feeling completely @home yet.
I have my bed to sleep on, and a window to peep out....Will this space ever become 'my space'


~anu~ said...

jose this sounds awesome! tall windows, fully functional kitchen, high ceiling - wowww!!! it will sure become your space very soon :)

Vinod Jose said...

Thanks da; how are things at your end?